Monday, February 16, 2009

Valentine's Weekend

When I told Patrick I was starting a blog for our family he told me that I'm in charge of writing about what happens in our lives while he is in charge of recording his thoughts. So, I'm fulfilling my duty as the family historian and writing about our Valentine's weekend.

Pat had a basketball game on Saturday morning, so we went to that bright and early. The team didn't do so well...but Pat played great. After that we finished the second season of Lost which we have been working on for a while. Although it's a little confusing because I have never seen the first season, I really like it and secretly want to watch the the third season. But don't tell Pat because I can't admit I like it...

We went out to eat at PF Chang's for dinner, which was delicious of course. We had almond and cashew chicken and of course the lettuce wraps. So good!!! The best part of dinner, however, was when Pat spilled his full glass of water all down his front! :) Okay, maybe that was me, but he had a little spill too.

We came home and watched Casablanca--one of my favorite old movies that Pat hadn't seen. And played our new favorite game (which I got for V-day), Carcassonne. Pat bought it for me for V-day about 2 weeks ago, but we definitely didn't wait to open it because we love it too much.

Unfortunately I am no good at taking pictures, so we don't have any photos to document the day, but it was a great Valentine's Day. We have now been married 6 months (can you believe it!) and are loving every minute of it. I am so blessed to have Patrick as a husband.

Oh and I almost forgot one of the best parts of the day. Patrick got me lilacs and they are so pretty. They make our entire apartment smell so good.